what if — we didn’t know when is tomorrow and when was yesterday?

11:59 New year’s eve. 12:00 New year. 12:01 Twenty twenty-three.

2 min readJan 2, 2023

This year, unlike every other year (probably), wasn’t any different — not in a sad way, but more like, it was enough. But then came a thought:

Photo by Héctor J. Rivas on Unsplash

If we didn’t have the concept of time or days, would all of this matter? Would today be any different than yesterday? or would tomorrow be any different than today?

Let’s zoom in…and say today is Friday. You look forward to the weekend, and then comes Monday. What if you didn’t have a friday or a monday. Would that mean any day could be a weekend? And that would mean, less fluctuations in our emotional states because of days, which in reality, don’t even exist (but still influence).

On contrary, would that make us value the days less? Would living like that make us see everyday as a same day, no date, no month, no year — just the cycle of sun and moon rising and setting.

Zooming out…without them, it feels infinite and void. There is no way to know how much time has passed and how much time we have. I think, as humans, we do not like infinity… (*ended up reading about Einstein for 30 mins*)

A lot of chaos in head with so many scenarios picturing in my head, so I might come back to this later. But I wonder, if without these, would we be more close to reality (and the universe) rather than relying on the boundaries that are imaginary and human-constructed. Is it our tendency to divide or sort of form a measurable unit just so we have the capability to know and be certain? (*imagining myself in a white endless room (it ends somewhere but not any near), but since I do not know the end, to me it seems endless. no walls, nothing. and the sight could be surreal, defying the time and space boundaries — would that sight be a form of zen and astonishment or a form of anxiety and emptiness.




Written by Shivangi

experience designer; // design, technology, and people: connecting the dots.

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